Drawing from the Mind’s Eye

Using the Imagination, Memory and the Senses

Mindful drawing sessions with prompts to explore, evolve and expand your drawing practice, with artist Gillian Cooper

Imagination, memory and the senses are wonderful resources we can use to draw from. Like muscles, they need exercising.
These sessions are a mid-week drawing pause to do just that, with different prompts each week on a particular theme.
Choose your media and surface and use the sessions as an opportunity to experiment with familiar and new ones.
The sessions will inspire ideas for further development in your own time.

Suggested materials:
Charcoal in all its various forms, pencil or graphite pencil, white chalk, Conte or coloured pastel, pens, biro, fine liners, Ink, stick, brush, water, muslin or cotton rag, plastic or putty rubber.

Surface to draw on and size is your choice: paper, sketchbook, newsprint, card, found and cheap papers.